

The school library has a collection of 8000 books other than reference books. This includes Encyclopedias, Quiz Books, G.K Books, Books on Fiction. We subscribe to about 35 periodicals. For each subject we have reference books. Students from Class I to XII have a weekly library period to inculcate the habit of reading. Books are issued to the students from Class V to Class XII. Apart from books we have Audio-Visual equipment with CD’S on different subjects and also on Fiction

The school has three well stacked Libraries for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary School Sections containing books on various subjects, journals, magazines, periodicals, newspapers and encyclopedias. The children are encouraged to utilize this facility to the fullest extent for updating their knowledge.

"It is the child in man that is the source of his uniqueness and creativeness, and the playground is the optimal milieu for the unfolding of his capacities and talents"

Every student is an enthusiastic scientist in the making, and they spend part of their school time in laboratory. They try to explore, probe and experiment to find the truth behind the facts of life, to solve problems, to fend off madness and chaos that result out of ignorance and preconceived notions.

Laboratories are stimulating places for Science students and since our children need to, practice their hands on experiments. The Physics, Chemistry & Biology Laboratories at Jyoti Central High School cater to the needs of CBSE experiments. As many as 40 students can perform a wide range of experiments simultaneously while the teachers and lab-assistants always at hand provide constant supervision and guidance for optimum results. Projects can be developed of a very superior standard thereby encouraging investigative analysis and reasoning.

Physics Lab: Well planned, spacious and well equipped Physics lab has all the interesting sets of equipment to reinforce scientific and experimental concepts and facilitate in developing investigative skills. There are models, charts apparatus, kits, and experimental gadgets to cater the needs of students. In the Physics lab, students discover the law which governs a certain phenomenon or verify a given law which has been derived from a theory.

Chemistry Lab: The Chemistry laboratory is designed while keeping all the statutory norms and safety standards. It is well ventilated as well as spacious. It has some of the most accurate digital measuring instruments required for measuring chemicals. Here, a scientific attitude is developed in the students along with the ability to analyze, collate, compute, integrate and deduce. In the lab, the students learn to handle apparatus and chemicals. They improve their understanding of various chemical reactions and chemical processes. It enables personal verification of important experimental facts. Logic and reasoning skills that develop in this lab will go a long way in ensuring success in later life.

Biology Lab: In the biology lab, the students study detailed structures, morphological, histological and physiological aspects of plants and animals. Study of slides under the microscopes or studying the museum specimens kindles a natural curiosity towards Nature and instills a joy of learning the flora & fauna around us. All the equipment and specimens that we have in the lab are open for the school students to be used under careful supervision. This is a place where our students are given a chance to 'discover' before they are 'told'. Children have the liberty to make models and projects by availing lab facilities.

Social Science Lab: Man is a social animal. In order to maintain relations between the people and communities, their social customs, welfares, reforms the Social Science laboratory methodology is widely used in experimentation. A group of subjects linked with Social Sciences are taught with models, charts and various modern techniques.

Well-designed and separate computer labs for kids and older children, run by a well-educated and qualified faculty, with one-on-one access, which means there is one computer for each child. Pre – primary kids learn words through PowerPoint presentations and innovative software.

We have invested in new ERP software which would further raise teaching-learning-working at Udgam to contemporary technological standards.

There are 100 computers in our labs currently. They are state-of-the-art with multimedia, most of them with 17″ LCD monitors that are easier on eyes, generate less heat and consume less power thereby keeping the classroom atmosphere comfortable for children. We use our own LAN with Windows XP for teaching-learning, documentation and presentations. Currently we can claim 1:10 as the ‘student to computer ratio’ on campus.

Everyone’s educational road is different. Today, students want to reach their educational goals in a way that fits their lifestyles. Whether their courses are blended or fully online, they are eager to participate in engaging, rigorous digital learning programs.

The school has audio visual aids like CD Players, LCD's, VCR, OHP, K-YAN & Multi Media and latest educational CDs to impart education effectively. The Digital smartboards are in the offing, adding a new dimension to the Information and Communication Technology.

The much awaited inauguration of the Sports Complex on 20th December,2010 was indeed a dream come true for everybody associated with school. Providing ample infrastructure for sports and games has always been a priority for the school management. After three years of painstaking efforts and immense commitment, this goal was successfully achieved.

The sprawling courts for basketball, volley ball, throw-ball, tennis as well as the cricket pitch stand testimony to this. The very fact that the school allocated huge amount of funds with such earnest dedication highly motivates all of us to bring glory to school in sports. The students of the school are indeed grateful towards the Physical Education teachers for their toil in making this dream a reality.

At Jyoti Central High School the well being of our students is of utmost importance. We provide nursing services to students and staff members to maximize the general health and wellness. The fully air-conditioned school Infirmary is equipped with four beds and all the necessary equipment and facilities to address the immediate health needs while in school. There is an attached bathroom and shower for use when required.

A qualified and experienced nurse is available on campus to manage and assess any health issues that may arise during school hours. In the event of an emergency requiring medical attention, the student will be shifted to the nearest hospital and parents will be informed of the same. A comprehensive medical record of each student is maintained by the school nurse. Basic first-aid kits have been made available in high risk areas such as the laboratories as well as on the school buses.

The school cafeteria is committed to ensure that the nutritional needs of tender and growing students are met in a practical and efficient manner. That is why the school provides meals which are planned by nutritionists and prepared by highly qualified professional chefs, under the direction and supervision of an experienced Senior Chef.

To further improve the efficiency of the system, the cafeteria is a separate building with two floors to accommodate 150 children at a time. Kindergarten and primary level students are served on the ground floor. Middle and secondary level students partake in the buffet on the first floor.

Variety of healthy and nutritional options are made available for all the meals. The cafeteria starts in the morning, serving breakfast to all the children, teachers and administrative staff. The premises are cleaned round the clock and maintained to the highest hygienic standards. To supervise students during lunchtime, a teacher is appointed for monitoring each table. Children are trained to keep themselves clean and display correct dining manners. Reverse Osmosis systems for purifying drinking water are available across the campus.

The cafeteria team produces delicious pastries, desserts, snacks, specialty breads such as whole wheat bread /multigrain bread / brown bread/ ragi bread / bran bread and many more. Menu on offer include different cuisines such as Indian / South Indian / Continental / Italian etc.

The menu is changed every month by the food committee which comprises of student representatives, the administrative staff, the cafeteria manager and the principal.

The school has a well qualified and experienced counsellors to help and guide students to cope with educational, personal, social and emotional needs and difficulties.

For students with special learning needs – early intervention programme is planned and implemented. The counsellors also provide direct consultation services to deliver appropriate information and assistance to parents, students and colleagues.

The emotional & social development of the students is taken care by the student counsellor. The school has in house counsellor who is also a child psychologist .